You must have an initial consultation prior to attending the classes. The local Parkinson’s branch will pay this fee for anyone who is diagnosed with Parkinson’s in Dumfries and Galloway.
Exercising as a group is an evidence- based way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is a fun and sociable exercises. Clients who attend both individual sessions and classes find that they are achieving their goals in a fun enjoyable environment.
Positive Steps For Parkinson's
Positive steps -This is a low- moderate intensity class focused on posture, balance, gait and strength. It includes functional exercise, both in sitting and standing as well as some tai chi to address balance. You can also join this class via zoom
Class time : Monday 12.15pm-1.15pm
PD Power
This is a moderate intensity circuit- based class, focused on balance, strength, posture and coordination. As well as using equipment such as weights and bikes, it also includes some floor work to address postural issues. It requires a short assessment prior to attending.
Class time: Monday: 11am-12pm
PD Warrior
PD warrior is a high intensity exercise programme which brings together the latest evidence and is designed to help slow down your Parkinson’s. It involves a thorough assessment and at least 2 individual sessions before taking on the 10 week challenge. This includes a weekly class for 10 weeks as well as a daily home exercise programme. It is a programme that many have made improvements with across the globe!!
Class Time: Thu 10.30am-11.30am (Face to Face and Zoom) & 1.30pm-2.30pm
Please click on the icon above to make a Class Booking